2. The Waiting Room (2012) - A Documentary on an American public hospital
3. Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare. (2012) - An investigative documentary that uncovers the U.S. healthcare system's true design.
4. Sicko. (2007) - A documentary comparing the highly profitable American health care industry to other nations.
5. The Healthcare Movie. (2011) - The history of the Canadian health care system's development.
6. What the Health. (2017) - The Health Film That Health Organizations Don't Want You To See.
7. Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point (2015) - A documentary on multi-payer healthcare insurance.
8. Shocking Medical Mistakes. (2016) - Full Documentary by Discovery Channel Documentaries.
9. Death by Medicine (2011) - A Documentary on Medical/Health Corporate Crimes.
10. Dead Enough - A Documentary on Canada's varying standards for declaring death which affects organ transplants.
11. Food Fight - (2008): How Corporations Ruined Food (A Food Industry Documentary)
12. Making Rounds (2015) - A Medical Education Documentary Film
13. Inside the Living Body (2007) - The story of human life, from first cry to final breath, told from within the body.
14. Science Myths and Health Misconceptions - A Documentary.
15. The Skinny on Obesity - A Documentary on Obesity.
16. VEGAN 2017 - The Film.
17. What You Eat Matters - 2018 Documentary H.O.P.E.
18. Do You Trust this Computer? (2018) - A Documentary on Modern Artificial Intelligence (A.I).
19. The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs Episode 1 (Medical Documentary)
20. The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs Episode 2 (Medical Documentary)
21. The Doctor who Gave Up Drugs - Series 2 Episode 1 (Medical Documentary)
22. The Doctor who Gave Up Drugs - Series 2 Episode 2 (Medical Documentary)
23. Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins (2018) - Documentary
24. Lo & Behold, Reveries of the Connected World (2016) - Doumentary.
25. Google & the World Brain (2013) - Documentary.
26. Mysteries of the Unseen World (2013) - Documentary.
27. The Mysterious World Under Our Skin - A Latest Scientific Finding Medical Documentary by DW; on Skin Tissues.
28. Our Battle Ongoing: Lyme Disease in Australia - Medical Documentary on Ongoing Lyme Disease Crisis in Australia.
29. Under Our Skin - The Untold Story of Lyme Disease. (Part 01)
30. Under Our Skin 2: Emergence - From Horror to Hope. (Part 02)
31. Reversing Roe (2018) - A Documentary on ABORTION; the Most Controversial Issue.
32. Science of Fasting - A Documentary about Fasting for Cure
33. Unreported: The Essure Story | Implant Files - A Medical Documentary by The Fifth Estate
34. Is It Worth Storing Your Baby's Cord Blood ? - A Medical Documentary by The Fifth Estate
35. Drug$ - A Documentary on Big Pharma Conspiracy (2018)
36. Unseen Enemy (2017) - A Documentary about Epidemics
37. Understanding the Opioid Epidemic (2018) - Documentary on Overused Painkillers.
38. A Leaf of Faith (2018) - Documentary on Substitute for Opioid Painkillers.
39. The Devil We Know (2018) - Documentary on Teflon's Harmful Environmental Effects.....
40. Our Daily Bread - (2005). Documentary on Industrial Food Production.
41. The Dangerous Health Business - A Documentary on Unsafe Medical Devices by DW
42. Farmed Norwegian Salmon World’s Most Toxic Food - A Documentary on Farmed Fish
43. Testing shrimp for antibiotic-resistant bacteria - A Documentary by Marketplace
44. Can Ageing be Delayed; Stopped or Even Reversed? - A Documentary by BBC News.
45. The End Of Ageing (Medical Documentary) by:- Real Stories
46. FASTING - A Documentary (2017) about the Effectiveness of Fasting...
47. The End of Meat - Documentary (2017)
48. HEAL - A Documentary (2017) about Self-Healing...
49. Take Your Pills - A Documentary (2018) on How the New Generation Depends on Pills...
50. The Truth About Killer Robots - A Documentary (2018) on the Dark Sides of Modern Robots...
51. Foods That Cure Disease - A Documentary (2018) about Plant Based Disease Free Life...
52. Kill Me To Cure Me (Medical Documentary). By:- Real Stories
53. Food, Inc.(2008) - Documentary providing an insight into the American corporate-controlled food industry...
54. Fed Up (2014) - A Documentary which tackles the issue of Childhood Obesity!
55. Food Choices (2016) - A Documentary on Healthy Eating.
56. The God Plant (2018) - Documentary on Medical Benefits of Cannabis.
57. Cannabis Evolution (2019) - A Documentary Movie on Legalised Cannabis Use for Medical Purposes.....
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